1.) What year did you study with Frank Rampolla and what was the title of the class?
The year was 1967 and I think it was painting 1 or 2.
2.) What do you remember about Frank Rampolla? What sticks out in your memory about him?
He had two characteristics that were admirable. He was intense about his art and art in general, but gentle in his critiques. He was a “coach” in the best possible meaning of the word. He found your strengths and worked with them and at the same time encouraged working on your weaknesses.
3.) How were you influenced by Frank Rampolla’s teachings or his artwork?
I became more free with the paints and the expression. I grew up wanting to be an illustrator and was a big fan of the Wyeth works – which are tight and beautifully controlled. Mr. Rampolla did not discourage that direction, but worked with the elements that needed more artist involvement. He would come by and say “Put down your brush – you are finished!” We all had the tendency to overwork paintings.